Buddyjska mala do mantrowania, medytacji. Naszyjnik z szaligramem


✺ MATERIAL: The whole mala consists of 108 main beads (90 Shaligram beads, 14 beads symbolizing each of the seven chakras, 4 black beads with engraved mantras) and one additional onyx bead.

✺ PARAMETERS: circumference: approx. 78 cm, bead diameter: approx. 0,6 cm.

Shaligram (shaligram) - round black stones, ammonites, found in the Kali Gandaki river in Nepal. These sacred stones serve as murti (in Hinduism, an image expressing a divine spirit or deity) in Hindu rituals. They symbolize the god Vishnu, which is why they are such a valued material.
Mala, or prayer rope, is a Buddhist rosary used for praying, meditating or counting mantras while meditating. In Sanskrit, the name means "wreath, necklace, mumbling prayer."
✺ Wearing it every day reminds you of the intention with which we are working at the moment. It can also be a talisman that brings peace and happiness to our lifes. It protects against failure, supports spiritual and personal development. Everyone can wear it in their own way and with their own intention.
✺ The mala can be worn as a necklace or wrapped several times around the wrist as a bracelet.
✺ The traditional large mala is a string on which 108 round beads are strung.
The number 108 is due to many reasons. One of them is the belief that we have 6 senses that receive 6 types of sensations in three time planes (6x6x3=108).
Another theory says that in Hinduism the number 108 is considered sacred (1 - god, universe, the highest truth, 0 - emptiness, humility in spiritual practice, 8 - infinity, timelessness).

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